Student/Family Handbook
District Code of Conduct
Oak Creek Elementary Attendance Policy
Good attendance is critical to your child's success in school. Students are expected to be in school daily. Being on time for school is important to student learning as well! Students who arrive in their classroom after 9:55 am on Monday and after 8:25 am Tuesday - Friday are considered tardy. Also, the time students are withdrawn before 3:15 pm is considered "missed instruction" tardy.
Whenever possible, please schedule your child's dentist, doctor, and other appointments outside of regular school hours. If it isn't possible to do so, please have our child attend school before, and after, his/her scheduled appointment time.
Steps to follow when your child is absent
- Parents/guardians should call the school to report the absences. Please call (719) 579-2175 by 9:00 am every day the child is absent. If you do not have a phone, please come by the school or send a note.
- A doctor's statement may be required for an extended illness.
- Teachers need advanced notice to provide homework for students who are absent. In order for homework to be ready to pick up by the end of the school day, the request for work should be made before 9:00 am.
When your child is ill, please keep him/her at home.
The following reasons for being absent from school are considered excused absences:
• Student illness
• Student injury
• Student appointment with a medical doctor (documentation is required)
• Death in the immediate family (documentation is required)
• Required court appointment for student (documentation is required)
• An absence that has been pre-approved by the principal
Unexcused absences are any absences not listed above!